The Elusive Truth of Lily Temple by Joanna Davidson Politano ~ Book Review

June 19, 2024


About the Book 

Book: The Elusive Truth of Lily Temple
Author: Joanna Davidson Politano
Genre: Christian Historical Fiction
Publisher: Revell
Release Date: April 2024

Peter Driscoll, an underground investigator to the wealthy, has never met anyone like Lily Temple. The beautiful silent-film actress spins fairy tales and plays frivolous roles in front of the cine-camera, but beneath the costumes and stage makeup is a woman with a quick wit--and a murky past.

Peter has been tasked with locating the legendary Briarwood Teardrop, an exquisite sapphire, which Lily wears beneath her gown. In order to stay close to her and hopefully unravel the mystery of her story--and the sapphire--Peter employs Lily's help on a case, which leads to a useful partnership. But as they are investigating together, Peter is also investigating Lily. The closer he gets to the truth, the more danger they face. And the closer he gets to Lily, the clearer it is that he needs her even more than she needs him.

My Thoughts 

I know that once I pick up a book by Joanna Davidson Politano I am going to lose sleep and be completely lost in the story and this one was no exception. If you've never read any of her books then you are definitely missing out. She writes with such depth and truth that it isn't hard to fall in love with her writing. 

This book has it all!! All the genres you love in one book, I mean its part fairy tale, romance, adventure, illusions, history and God's truth! At times the book is lyrical and takes you on this journey that you don't ever want to leave. I didn't know what to expect from Lily Temple but you could tell that she was looking for something more out of life. She had seen glimpses of it but never truly acquired it. I loved Peter Driscoll and what he brought to the story and to Lily's life. The way that they worked through some of the cases was compelling to experience.

I know this review will probably not give you what you may be looking for. There aren't  any spoilers or too many details because I would honestly ruin the story. But I will tell you this, the story is beautifully written. It has twists that I didn't expect or see coming. I can't express enough how talented Politano is. The way that she points you to God is impeccably done. I'll leave you with one of my favorite lines of the book (and there are many...)

"Every truth. Every make-believe tale. It is part of our natures, our every story, and he wishes it this way. Because he waits for us in the garden. Longs for us to see the petals, to understand...and to draw near. He has eternity written on our hearts, and in every story we tell."

I obviously loved this book and one that will stay with me for a while. Of course I one-thousand percent recommend it if you enjoy stories that are deep and take you on a journey then this author is the one for you and this book will be perfect you! I hope you love it as much as I do!!

I received a copy of this for review. I was not required to post a positive review. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

About the Author

Joanna Davidson Politano freelances for a small nonfiction publisher but spends much of her time spinning tales that capture the colorful, exquisite details in ordinary lives. Her manuscript for Lady Jayne Disappears was a finalist for several contests, including the 2016 Genesis Award from ACFW, and won the OCW Cascade Award and the Maggie Award for Excellence. She is always on the hunt for random acts of kindness, people willing to share their deepest secrets with a stranger, and hidden stashes of sweets. She lives with her husband and their two babies in a house in the woods near Lake Michigan and shares stories that move her at

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