About the Book
Author: Susan Thogerson Maas
Genre: Middle Grade
Release Date: December 15, 2021
Twelve-year-old Abbie Keegan loves spending time in the woods behind her house and watching the silly-looking baby robins as they grow. The woods are a retreat from her parents’ constant bickering and from her sweet, but needy, little brother.
Then Abbie sees two boys breaking pop bottles in the pond. She refuses to allow such harm to “her” woods. However, every attempt she makes to stop the boys only provokes them to greater destruction. Her retreat becomes a place of fear instead of peace. A feud is born, and Abbie feels helpless to stop it. At home, her parents seem close to divorce and her brother’s asthma is getting worse. How can Abbie protect the people and places she loves?
Click here to get your copy!
My Thoughts
About the Author
Susan Thogerson Maas grew up in the rainy, green state of Oregon. She loved to wander through the woods, discovering new wildflowers and birds. Her second favorite place was the cool grass of the front yard, lost in a book about nature or faraway lands. She still loves camping and hiking, as well as traveling to places she’s never seen before. Life should always be an adventure.
More from Susan
Abbie’s Woods: Defending the Nest, in its original version, was the first book I ever wrote. Although I had sold a number of short articles and children’s stories, it was my first attempt at a whole book. Being a busy mother and volunteer (den leader for seven years, Sunday school teacher, etc.), homeschooling our boys, growing a big garden for freezing and canning, and all that kept me busy. But my dream since third grade had been to write children’s books. My sweet aunt had paid my way to summer writing conferences, and my shelves were filled with books on writing.
So I began, one slow chapter at a time. I set the story in the woods that lay behind our property when I was a child. “The Wonderful Woods” I called it in the first article I ever sold—sent by my sixth grade teacher to The Horn Book. My book was filled with details about the plants and birds of the woods. I added in symbolism because this would be my masterpiece. After maybe three years, the book was complete. And it was terrible. I showed it to a couple of editors, but the responses told me it was not ready. I was not ready.
I put Abbie’s Woods aside and wrote two chapters books, which now sleep peacefully in old files on my computer. Then came Picture Imperfect, published in 2015 by Ashberry Lane. (now owned by WhiteFire Publishing) After years of study, practice, and critique groups, I finally wrote a book good enough for publication. It even won a couple of awards. And so I thought, why not give Abbie’s Woods another try? I began all over again, changing the characters, adding subplots, and dropping the stilted symbolism. And now here it is!
What do I like most about Abbie’s Woods? Well, for one thing, the woods. That woods is now preserved as part of the Springwater Corridor in the Portland, Oregon area. I learned to identify plants there, including the first flower whose scientific name I learned: arenaria macrophylla. I have no idea how I can still remember that! I especially loved the birds. As a teen, I often roamed the woods with binoculars around my neck and bird book in hand. I learned to recognize bird calls: the Steller’s jay’s screech, the cheerful chickadee’s call, the “chweee” of the towhee as it scratched for seeds in the undergrowth. And the robin’s song, so peacefully filling the air on warm summer evenings. Robins were always special, and robins play an important role in Abbie’s Woods.
But the book is about more than nature. It’s about a girl trying to preserve her little world, only to learn her best efforts often backfire, that many things are not under her control. Can she learn to let go of her pain and forgive those who hurt her? And can she learn to trust God for the things she cannot control? Abbie’s struggles are not so different from those many people face, whether children or adults. I have certainly acted in ways I thought would make things better, only to find the opposite result. I have also tried to control things that are better left in God’s hands. Although the story is entirely fictional, in many ways Abbie is also me, trying to follow God but often getting lost along the way.
Yet, for Abbie as for me, no matter how dark the day, there is always light behind the clouds, always the hope that tomorrow will be better. That hope is the foundation of my faith and a thread through everything I write.
Blog Stops
Bigreadersite, January 19
Lots of Helpers, January 19
Inklings and notions, January 20
Library Lady’s Kid Lit, January 21
Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, January 22
Texas Book-aholic, January 23
Mary Hake, January 23
Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, January 24
For Him and My Family, January 25
Girls in White Dresses, January 26
Cats in the Cradle Blog, January 26
Locks, Hooks and Books, January 27
A Modern Day Fairy Tale, January 28 (Spotlight)
Lights in a Dark World, January 28
Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, January 29
Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, January 30
Musings of a Sassy Bookish Mama, January 31
Splashes of Joy, February 1
deb’s Book Review, February 1
To celebrate her tour, Susan is giving away the grand prize package of $50 Amazon gift card and a copy of the book!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.
Welcome to the Blog + Review Tour for Healing Skye by Janet W. Ferguson, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!


(1) winner will receive a signed paperback copy of Healing Skye, a T-shirt supporting the Manatee Network, magnetic butterfly bookmarks, prayers to share, a creative Bible study journal, a magnet, and a seashell from the author!
Be sure to check out each stop on the tour for more chances to win. Full tour schedule linked below. Giveaway began at midnight January 24, 2022 and lasts through 11:59 PM EST on January 31, 2022. Winner will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.
Giveaway is subject to the policies found here.
Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!
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About the Book
Author: Jill Weatherholt
Genre: Inspirational Romance
Release Date: December 28, 2021
Can three little matchmakers lasso a cowboy father?
When injured professional bull rider Luke Beckett returns to his hometown to recover, he doesn’t expect his B and B host and physical therapist to be his first and only love, Meg Brennan. He’s also unprepared for Meg’s adorable triplets to steal his heart. Luke’s past has him doubting he’s good enough for Meg and the children, but they might be just what the doctor ordered to help him heal…
Click here to get your copy!
My Thoughts
About the Author
By day, Jill Weatherholt works for the City of Charlotte. At night, and on the weekend, she writes contemporary stories about love, faith and forgiveness for Harlequin Love Inspired.
Raised in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., she now resides in Charlotte, North Carolina, but her heart belongs to Virginia.
She holds a degree in Psychology from George Mason University and Paralegal Studies Certification from Duke University.
She shares her life with her real-life hero and number one supporter. Their relationship grew on the golf course, and now they have one in their backyard.
Jill believes in enjoying every moment of this journey because God has everything under control.
More from Jill
It happened in slow motion.
I was traveling on the interstate at 65 mph, in the far-left lane. The traffic was heavy but moving.
Then the unthinkable happened. A wheelbarrow fell off the back of a pickup truck in front of my car.
Swerving to my right lane wasn’t an option, it was full of cars. The left shoulder was narrow and led to a steep drop off.
I gripped the wheel and had a split second to weigh my options. If I maintained my course, the wheelbarrow would burst through my windshield. If I went to the right, I could cause a multi-car pileup. There was a tractor trailer close behind me, so I couldn’t hit my brakes.
I prepared myself for the worst. Then I prayed to God to help me.
Moments later, when I was safely off the interstate, I burst into tears. I was still alive. No one was injured. But how? I couldn’t recall how I got to the exit ramp. How was I able to guide my car around the wheelbarrow?
Later, I realized that God was truly in control of my life. Growing up in the church and listening to my grandmother, I had always known God loved me. But that day, I felt His love more than I ever had my life. He wanted me to live. But why?
I’d like to think that He wasn’t quite finished with me. That maybe He had better things in store for me. Perhaps He blessed me with a gift to weave together a story that can give a person hope. A story that can bring a little light into what is sometimes a dark and scary world. After all, I didn’t grow up wanting to be a writer. Like that day on the interstate, it’s all God’s goodness.
Blog Stops
Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, January 20
Labor Not in Vain, January 20
Texas Book-aholic, January 21
By the Book, January 21
Inklings and notions, January 22
For Him and My Family, January 23
Splashes of Joy, January 23
deb’s Book Review, January 24
Lighthouse Academy Blog, January 24 (Guest Review from Marilyn Ridgway)
Locks, Hooks and Books, January 25
Through the Fire Blogs, January 25
Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, January 26
Kayem Reads, January 26
Older & Smarter?, January 27
Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, January 27
Mypreciousbitsandmusings, January 28
Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, January 28
A Modern Day Fairy Tale, January 29 (Spotlight)
SusanLovesBooks, January 29
Musings of a Sassy Bookish Mama, January 30
Blossoms and Blessings, January 30
Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, January 31
Happily Managing a Household of Boys, February 1
Pause for Tales, February 1
She Lives To Read, February 2
Vicky Sluiter, February 2
To celebrate her tour, Jill is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon gift card!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.
About the Book
In the ensuing days, Penny finds herself under attack. And when news reaches Holt that he may not have gotten his man after all, it will take all he and Penny have to catch a killer--before he catches one of them.
Bestselling and award-winning author Lynette Eason is back with another high-octane tale of close calls, narrow escapes, and the fight to bring a nefarious criminal to justice.
My Thoughts
About the Author
About the Book
Author: Jenny Smith
Genre: Memoir
Release Date: July, 2021
Jenny Smith was a typical teenager—a gymnast and athlete who loved hair and makeup, played in a band, and was active in her church youth group.
Then one bright summer morning, a spinal cord injury left her paralyzed from the chest down and dependent on others for her most basic needs. Privacy and independence seemed like things of the past.
But Jenny refused to give up or give in to her disability, and over time she discovered that a wheelchair could take her places she’d never dared to imagine. She’s traveled multiple times to Afghanistan and Mexico for wheelchair distributions and sports camps, and even rolled the New York City runway as a model during Fashion Week.
Today, Jenny Smith is a spokesperson for independent and vibrant living with a disability. Her speeches, articles, and social media presence have touched thousands of lives.
In Live the Impossible, Smith shares what it looks like to live with paralysis, from the everyday details most people never think about, to the countless people who have impacted her life along the way. With honesty and humor, faith and fortitude, Jenny shows us how we can all live the impossible, even when life doesn’t go as planned.
Click here to get your copy!
My Thoughts
About the Author
Jenny Smith is an advocate, peer mentor, and encourager for those living with spinal cord injuries, and anyone who has faced unexpected or seemingly impossible challenges. Her popular blog and YouTube channel, Jenny Smith Rolls On, explore the practical aspects of life as a quadriplegic. She also speaks to associations and businesses, schools and universities, and faith-based groups. Jenny works full-time supporting and encouraging cross-cultural workers. She lives in Louisville, Kentucky, where she rows on the Ohio River with the Louisville Adaptive Rowing program.
You can find out more at www.jennysmithrollson.com.
More from Jenny
“I will never write a book.”
I can’t tell you how many times I said those words. How and why did I publish a book after saying I will never so many times?
For several years, I was writing as a side job for a medical supply company. To learn more about the craft of writing, I signed up for an online class. The instructor invited me to take her next class on writing your life story.
That’s when it happened. I felt a little tap on my shoulder and heard—or felt—the words, “It’s time.”
I groaned.
Since my spinal cord injury at the age of 16, I said never and that’s impossible innumerable times. I had said the words before traveling to Mexico and Afghanistan. As I dreamed of living independently as a quadriplegic. I’d said never to playing wheelchair tennis, rugby, and para-rowing. My words that’s impossible and never were proved wrong time and again.
So I started writing.
It turns out I’ve lived what I believed was impossible.
In July 2021, on the 32nd anniversary of my spinal cord injury, my family, friends, and community celebrated with me at the launch party for my memoir Live the Impossible.
Although the book centers on my story of becoming a quadriplegic at 16 and the trials and adventures that followed, the lessons I learned in the years to come are universal:
- How I found my identity
- The importance of taking a risk
- How I became comfortable in my own body
- Acknowledging I have little to offer and yet seeing God do things I could never imagine
We all have unexpected circumstances in life. But I believe we can all live the impossible, even when life doesn’t go as planned.
Blog Stops
Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, January 18
Happily Managing a Household of Boys, January 18
Texas Book-aholic, January 19
An Author’s Take, January 20
Inklings and notions, January 21
Stephanie’s Life of Determination, January 21
deb’s Book Review, January 22
Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, January 23
Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, January 24
A Modern Day Fairy Tale, January 25 (Spotlight)
For Him and My Family, January 26
Lots of Helpers, January 27
Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, January 27
Library Lady’s Kid Lit, January 28
Musings of a Sassy Bookish Mama, January 29
Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, January 30
Spoken from the Heart, January 30
Locks, Hooks and Books, January 31
To celebrate her tour, Jenny is giving away the grand prize package of a $25 Amazon gift card and a signed copy of the book!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.
About the Book
Author: Angela Breidenbach
Series: Queen of the Rockies, Book 1
Genre: Historical Romance
Release Date: September 1, 2021
What will her courage cost?
1889 (Helena, MT): As the gold rush era ends in the most elegant and modern city in the world and Montana emerges as a state, one woman must decide if social pressure will prevail over her own beliefs. Calista Blythe enters the first Miss Snowflake Pageant celebrating Montana at Christmastime to expose the plight of street urchins. But hiding an orphan could unravel Calista’s reputation, and her budding romance with pageant organizer, Albert Shanahan, if her secret is revealed. Will love or social pressure prevail? Courage is choosing to do the right thing regardless of the cost… Romantic, comedic adventure set in picturesque Helena, Montana written by a bestselling author who is also a professional genealogist.
Click here to get your copy!
My Thoughts
I really enjoyed this story and learned so much about Montana becoming a state! Seriously the author does a great job at pulling you into the story and you can tell that she has done a thorough research on the statehood of Montana and not only that but also the history of the way the state used to be prior to becoming a state. I really enjoyed the storyline of the orphan train and how children were being treated. It is heartbreaking that such a thing even occurred.
If you enjoy historical fiction then I would definitely recommend you grab this one!
About the Author
Angela Breidenbach is a professional genealogist, media personality, bestselling author, and screenwriter. She’s also the Christian Authors Network president. Angie lives in Montana with her hubby and Muse, a trained fe-lion, who shakes hands, rolls over, and jumps through a hoop. Surprisingly, Angie can also. Don’t miss her show and podcast, Genealogy Publishing Coach! Find her on social media: @AngBreidenbach
More from Angela
Queen of the Rockies captured my imagination and my interest in the originality of Montana’s entrance into the United States of America. The people of Montana are quite varied, a true but much unknown fact. People here come from around the world, completely different genealogical origins as well as backgrounds. The influence of gold mining, transportation, and entrepreneurship as well as the exploration of the wild and beautiful lands inspired amazing creativity for both survival and communities.
From completely uncivilized mining camps to stunning old world know-how of the native peoples to about 100 different immigrant nations brought Montana to statehood. Today, many of those descendants still are here farming, mining, doing business. Many of those languages are still spoken. We have immigrant populations that have continued to come. So though Montana is thought to be nearly all white Americans, that’s not anywhere close to the real Montana. Don’t believe everything you see on TV 😉 Come see for yourself.
Vibrant wildlife, dangers of the wilderness and weather, and the opportunity partnered with intensely hard-working conditions created more millionaires in one place than had ever been before. But that didn’t mean everyone knew how to handle that new wealth. Vigilantes, including a sheriff who robbed those he was supposed to protect, ran the ranges for years. The women who brought civilization tamed the men who couldn’t quite keep themselves under control. It’s these incredible women who braved the elements and the hardships that are the stars in my books. Come and meet them. They continue to inspire me today!
Touring and researching through Montana and especially the three original capitals (finally ending up with Helena) fascinated me. There’s so much to do year-round here. I enjoyed it so much that I wrote short travel articles at the back of each book for my readers. I really hope those articles will intrigue people to come and visit the ghost towns, living history towns, hot springs, mountains, and small cities. Each book in this 6-book series will share something special that may not be well-known but will be unforgettable for you as a tourist.
I hope the stories are fun, full of historic entertainment and romance, but also that you’ll have a fresh view of Montana that fires you up to come and visit our beautiful state.
Please remember to pop over to my website and send me a note through the contact page if you’d like an autographed bookplate for all of your copies of the Queen of the Rockies series. If you’re an eBook fan, I’ve heard of the brilliant idea to keep an album of your favorite authors bookplates. I’d be happy to send you those for an album as well.
Best wishes,
Angela Breidenbach
Blog Stops
lakesidelivingsite, January 17
Austen’s Angle: Jane Austen’s Influence in Modern America, January 17
Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, January 18
Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, January 19
Joanna Bair Author, January 19
Texas Book-aholic, January 20
Betti Mace, January 20
Inklings and notions, January 21
Connect in Fiction, January 21
Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, January 22
For Him and My Family, January 22
deb’s Book Review, January 23
Blossoms and Blessings, January 23
Locks, Hooks and Books, January 24
Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, January 25
Pause for Tales, January 25
Connie’s History Classroom, January 26
Tell Tale Book Reviews, January 27
A Modern Day Fairy Tale, January 27 (Spotlight)
Musings of a Sassy Bookish Mama, January 28
Stephanie’s Life of Determination, January 28
Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, January 29
Happily Managing a Household of Boys, January 30
Mary Hake, January 30
To celebrate her tour, Angela is giving away the grand prize 20-minute genealogy consultation to a winner via Zoom!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.
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