Horacio Planner ~ Review

November 12, 2021

I don’t know about you but I LOVE planners!! Planners and Calendars make me happy! 😂 we have a family calendar, a homeschool online planner, a homeschool activity planner, a book review planner (yes I’m slightly obsessed…) I have been on the hunt for a planner I can make into a journal of my Bible Readings and Devotion time and then the Horacio Planner came into my mailbox for review! I am so looking forward to starting this come the new year!!! 

 I love that it has both a calendar and a vertical layout where I can write my Bible Verses. The last page of the month has a Praise Report page to reflect on the month! And I really liked that the beginning of each season has a prayer and a reflection on what you are looking forward of God doing! If you are a planner fan then I recommend you grabbing this one! I can’t wait to start this one! Thank you @horacioprinting for the copy of this beautiful planner for review! 

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