You and Me by Cleopatra Margot ~ Book Review

January 9, 2021


Author: Cleopatra Margot
Series: A Faith to Love Novel, Book 7
Genre: Christian Romance
Publisher: Independent
Release Date: October 13, 2020
Pages: 345

After an accident leaves Samantha MacLaughlin reeling, she's faced with the blunt reality that she may never be able to return to the police force. Which not only means she'll be letting her late sister down, but that her life will have to change drastically.
Believe Police Chief Braeden Hayes shoulders guilt from his childhood, and it was only intensified when his actions led to Sam's grim circumstances. He made a promise long ago that he wouldn't hurt her, and he intends to keep that vow, regardless of the repercussions on his heart.
But when he inherits an estate from someone he doesn't know, Braeden and Sam dive headlong into untangling a web of family secrets. Will the investigation lead them to love, or are some wounds too deep to heal?


Once again we are back in the fictional town of Believe, Nebraska! This is the seventh book in the series and the second that I have read. I definitely enjoyed it and found it to be a bit different than her last one but in a good way. Cleopatra has a gift at pulling you into a story and putting you right smack dab in the middle of this town like you belong there. She has these characters that are very relatable and a story that is engaging and filled with a little bit of a mystery element that kept you reading. 

Being that this is part of a series we meet lots of characters but this story mainly focuses on Braeden and Sam. Since I read the previous book I knew a little of background information on Sam and Braeden so I already knew their feelings for each other. In this story Sam is just beginning to heal from a fire she was in. She suffers from PTSD because of it and she has to deal with all of those emotions plus a complete change in career. All of that while figuring out her feelings for Braeden. 

Braeden is in love with Sam but doesn't want to fully commit to these feelings. He is scared and has hurts he needs to deal with concerning his parents. He inherits property from someone he doesn't even know and this is where the story truly begins for me, especially when it comes to Sam and Braeden. They come to realize that even though they know they belong together, nothing can happen between them unless they put God first in everything they do. 

If you have never read anything by Cleopatra I definitely recommend that you start at the beginning with book one. The only reason I say this is because this is a pretty big cast of characters that lives intertwine with each other throughout the books. At times its hard to keep up with and you may wonder who they are. My only request to the author would be to perhaps have some type of family tree at the beginning of her books or on her website that readers can refer to when reading the books out of order. I know that would help me as a reader being the visual person that I am. 

My Rating: 4 Stars/Really Liked it!

(I received a copy of this book from the author. I was not required to post a positive review. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.)

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Cleopatra Margot resides with her family and their golden retriever in small town, rural Nebraska. Inspiration for her novels comes from both real life + fictional characters and storylines in her brain. The town of Believe is based on her own hometown, but with embellishments. She and her two younger siblings are homeschooled, and enjoy traveling with their parents and the dog. When she’s not writing, Cleopatra enjoys Bible journaling, time with family and friends, playing cards, being outside (when it’s not subfreezing temps), laughing, singing, and enjoying life.

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